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Business of Cannabis - Medical Cannabis Week Program

June 4, 2019

In May 2019, Blakes sponsored and co-hosted Medical Cannabis Week, organized by the Business of Cannabis, including a program on Innovation in the Medical Cannabis Space.

From Blakes, Robin Linley moderated the second panel of this program, in which Melanie Baird, Tricia Kuhl and Leah Rodin, along with Mary Jane Richards, Associate General Counsel of Shopify, discussed legal considerations for technology and innovation in medical cannabis. For a more detailed overview, please view the Medical Cannabis Week panel: Innovating in the Medical Cannabis Space and the Law Times article: Cannabis companies still fighting for IP rights, says Blakes panel.

On April 23, 2019, Business of Cannabis interviewed Blakes Associate Chris Nyberg for Business of Cannabis Live (BofC Live) to discuss innovative opportunities and insights for businesses in the cannabis industry. For a more detailed overview, please view the BofC Live – April 23, 2019.

For further information, please contact:

Robin Linley                          416-863-3047

Melanie Baird                        416-863-5262

Tricia Kuhl                             514-982-5020

or any other member of our Cannabis group.

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